Sunday, May 28, 2006 > Google Fun
My roommate and I were bored, as usual (we were supposed to be studying) and decided to see the images of friends on google. Hahaha... This is what I found.....
Hahaha... Some of these pictures do look a lot like the real person. Or not?;)
Oh Yes.. Found one on Zie but blogger just could not upload it. Oh well...
(0) commentsThursday, May 25, 2006 > Falling in Love
A song we just sang earlier in Power Gen....Falling in love with Jesus,
Falling in love with Jesus,
Falling in love with Jesus,
Was the best thing I ever, ever done
In His arms I feel protected,
In His arms never disconnected,
In His arms I feel protected
There's no place I'd rather be
I want to fall head over heels in love again....... (0) comments
Monday, May 22, 2006 > Why oh why?
I am SO tired...I am not anywhere near done.
I am 20, in my 2nd year of Uni and about the 15th year of studies. Why haven't I learnt my lesson of doing things last minute?
As many excuses as I try to cook up to justify and make myself feel better, it all boils down to 2 things:
1. My poor management of time
Serve me right......... (0) comments
Thursday, May 18, 2006 > A Commemoration
Up to last weekend, before Mark left, he told me to go for it. He promised to 'teman' me and do something equally as stupid to commemorate his leaving.
Don't ask me how painful it was...
I wouldn't know...
Photoshop is a great invention. ;)
Hahaha.... Don't reckon anyone would actually believe that but it was fun.
I am telling the honest truth now!
YOU have always been there for me as well as supportive. Haha.. Maybe not in situations as above, but in all others.
YOU have been such a big part of my life here in Adelaide, I feel like a huge chunk of it has been ripped out.
Thanks for everything! Love you..
(0) commentsFriday, May 05, 2006 > It's been so long!
A WHOLE month has gone by!!!!!Still alive...
But well, I am not too sure.
Will update soon!
Promise! *pinky finger* (0) comments