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Monday, June 09, 2008 > Happy Birthday Queen!

wingsun says:
so how are your monday blues?

marktan says:
it's dark blue

Hahaha Marko oh Marko! Only you would think of something as such to say!

I am glad to report that unlike Marko, I am not experiencing any shades of Monday blues. Yay to public holidays!!!! So gracious of God to allow a long weekend after my first week of work:) Though I did hear that her actual birthday is in April, but as we have other public holidays in April, apparently they had to spread it out. Haha.

Next public holiday- Labour day (October)
Next next one- Christmas day.


One week of work down, 39 years and 51 weeks more to go!:(

Wing Sun wrote this at.. 3:21 PM
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Friday, May 30, 2008 > Melbourne and after.

I just asked my sister to check my facebook for something and she asked what my name was. Gee, thanks sis. I love you too.

Anyway, it's been a almost two weeks since I came back, and boy am I glad to be back. Melbourne is great and all but Adelaide is definitely home:) And i certainly did miss it so, especially since I kept getting insults. They called Adelaide "woop woop", apparently it meaning rural or something. Ok lah, just a few more pictures from the remainder of my trip there:

Joey, Daniel, Ruth and I at Mount Dandenong

Waiting room at Miss Marple's, quaint english place.

Yummy oh yummy.

Massive doll house. I swear those freaky dolls
come out and kill people at night.

St. Kilda's beach. Augh.
Nothing great.

Xhin and I revisiting childhood.

THE BEST THING! Spanish doughnuts dipped in
warm melted chocolate. YUM.

Crazy sweet Greek dessert. My cousin couldn't eat
it as she said it too disturbingly resembled
fried bihun, but sweet. Haha!

Phebe and I at Koko Black

Apparently a very happy me.
Koko Black wins Max Brenner in my books!!!!

Outside Crown casino

Joey and I on the night we went galavanting
around Melbourne city:)

Cousin's insanely small studio apartment where we
both survived 10 days without any drama. Thanks cuzzie:)

Yes, Adelaide is void of these beauties.
Prob for my own good though:(

Ok, tired of posting pictures already. Thanks to those of you who made this trip great:)

Life continues on back here in Adelaide. Though, I have to say it's going to interesting now as I officially have a new permanent job:) God's been amazing and it can really only be Him. I am pretty sure He can be doing something else more worthwhile but He sure is faithful and gracious. Though I have to say I will miss my various up-to-me sleeping schedule. Oh well, duty to live calls.

Till next time!

Wing Sun wrote this at.. 2:41 AM
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Monday, May 12, 2008 > Melbourne Till Now.

I was excitedly playing around with my cousin's photoshop since I haven't been able to edit my pictures since I last reformatted my computer. But after about an hour, due to my lack of creativity, gave up on editing pictures. So yes, no fancy-mancy pictures posted this time round.

Just a little glimpse of Melbourne and what I have been up to.

With Kristy at the Basement in Meyers

Chinatown! We Chinese rule the world!!!!

Oh, 7-eleven is foreign to the us from Adelaide and Zone 2. Haha.

At one of my favourite little streets!

Max Brenner's!!

Where all the fatty goodness comes from

Kristy drinking hot chocolate from a cup that disturbing
resembles a bedpan. And it has little choco balls floating in them.


Cousin and I at a newly discovered mall

Some Chinese procession

Rallying against Scientology. I decided it was time to
leave when he wanted to pass me something. Haha.

A glimpse of home!

Shopping at Chapel St.

Desserts that almost killed Joey and me. And this
was after a massive dinner.

The city from Federation Square

Yes, some more food.

The Ong siblings! After like 2 plus years!!!!

Border's gift card. Gift cards are good for
non-present buying people like me.

Wow. Enough for pictures for now. Didn't realize it would be that tiring to post them all. Haha.

It's been awesome weather in Melbourne and I hope it continues! Though, it was sunny today and I haven't even left the apartment. Hehe. I am still like this though miles away from home.

Almost dinner time! More food!!!!!!

Wing Sun wrote this at.. 4:19 PM
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Saturday, April 19, 2008 > 3 years worth.

As my coursemates and I took our seats after that 10 second walk across the stage to collect our parchments and shake the hand of the chancellor, we were all muttering how the 3 years didn't seem worth it. Haha..

Gracie and I came to this foreign land together more than 3 years ago. Man, doesn't time fly. About 2 weeks ago Gracie graduated.

And then it was my turn:)

Flowers courtesy of Gracie

My 10 second stage appearance

A horrible picture of me attempting to
do the mortar board throwing thing

A few of my coursemates

One of my favourite and tallest lecturers

My course coordinator and lecturer

All the above came all the way down to Uni!
I love you guys!

Yeah, I think 3 years was all worth it:) Certainly looking forward to what's to come next!!!

Wing Sun wrote this at.. 2:13 AM
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About Me

Name: wingsun
Location: Adelaide, Australia

See my complete profile



Flinders Uni
Kenny Sia
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