Monday, June 09, 2008 > Happy Birthday Queen!
wingsun says:so how are your monday blues?
marktan says:
it's dark blue
Hahaha Marko oh Marko! Only you would think of something as such to say!
I am glad to report that unlike Marko, I am not experiencing any shades of Monday blues. Yay to public holidays!!!! So gracious of God to allow a long weekend after my first week of work:) Though I did hear that her actual birthday is in April, but as we have other public holidays in April, apparently they had to spread it out. Haha.
Next public holiday- Labour day (October)
Next next one- Christmas day.
One week of work down, 39 years and 51 weeks more to go!:(
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Friday, May 30, 2008 > Melbourne and after.
I just asked my sister to check my facebook for something and she asked what my name was. Gee, thanks sis. I love you too.Anyway, it's been a almost two weeks since I came back, and boy am I glad to be back. Melbourne is great and all but Adelaide is definitely home:) And i certainly did miss it so, especially since I kept getting insults. They called Adelaide "woop woop", apparently it meaning rural or something. Ok lah, just a few more pictures from the remainder of my trip there:
come out and kill people at night.

Nothing great.
Xhin and I revisiting childhood.
it as she said it too disturbingly resembled
fried bihun, but sweet. Haha!

around Melbourne city:)
both survived 10 days without any drama. Thanks cuzzie:)
Prob for my own good though:(
Ok, tired of posting pictures already. Thanks to those of you who made this trip great:)
Life continues on back here in Adelaide. Though, I have to say it's going to interesting now as I officially have a new permanent job:) God's been amazing and it can really only be Him. I am pretty sure He can be doing something else more worthwhile but He sure is faithful and gracious. Though I have to say I will miss my various up-to-me sleeping schedule. Oh well, duty to live calls.
Till next time!
Life continues on back here in Adelaide. Though, I have to say it's going to interesting now as I officially have a new permanent job:) God's been amazing and it can really only be Him. I am pretty sure He can be doing something else more worthwhile but He sure is faithful and gracious. Though I have to say I will miss my various up-to-me sleeping schedule. Oh well, duty to live calls.
Till next time!
Monday, May 12, 2008 > Melbourne Till Now.
I was excitedly playing around with my cousin's photoshop since I haven't been able to edit my pictures since I last reformatted my computer. But after about an hour, due to my lack of creativity, gave up on editing pictures. So yes, no fancy-mancy pictures posted this time round.Just a little glimpse of Melbourne and what I have been up to.
At one of my favourite little streets!

resembles a bedpan. And it has little choco balls floating in them.

leave when he wanted to pass me something. Haha.
Border's gift card. Gift cards are good for
non-present buying people like me.
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non-present buying people like me.
Wow. Enough for pictures for now. Didn't realize it would be that tiring to post them all. Haha.
It's been awesome weather in Melbourne and I hope it continues! Though, it was sunny today and I haven't even left the apartment. Hehe. I am still like this though miles away from home.
Almost dinner time! More food!!!!!!
It's been awesome weather in Melbourne and I hope it continues! Though, it was sunny today and I haven't even left the apartment. Hehe. I am still like this though miles away from home.
Almost dinner time! More food!!!!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008 > 3 years worth.
As my coursemates and I took our seats after that 10 second walk across the stage to collect our parchments and shake the hand of the chancellor, we were all muttering how the 3 years didn't seem worth it. Haha..Gracie and I came to this foreign land together more than 3 years ago. Man, doesn't time fly. About 2 weeks ago Gracie graduated.
And then it was my turn:)
Yeah, I think 3 years was all worth it:) Certainly looking forward to what's to come next!!! (0) comments