Thursday, August 09, 2007 > One Of The Many
Out of my bag of habits is Habit #256.Habit #256 is "Sitting in my towel after a shower for as long as I possibly can."
Yes, I do that every night if I am not rushing to go anywhere. Just ask my housemates. It's not that I particularly enjoy doing it, it's just that laziness always gets the better of me. I love being in my warm and clean PJs, but before I even get to that stage I would have to perform the necessary "after shower duties" such as blow drying my hair, applying moisturiser, blah blah. Augh. So I put it off as much as I can.
When in my towel, I usually just sit in front of the laptop and do nonsense such as chat and blog surf. Such a waste of time. I am incapable of doing anything fruitful while, hhhmm, incompletely dressed. I must say though, I waste less time during winter. Because it gets so unbearably cold in that large, thick piece of cloth, I tend to get on with life sooner. Unfortunately, it appears to be getting warmer. Hence, I celebrated the warmth by increasing my towel time last night. Oh no.
I think this habit is still sticking around because I don't even deem it as a very bad thing. That's bad enough eh.
Btw, I hope that while reading this there were no mental images that haunted you. Because it certainly would not have been pleasant. My apologies if otherwise.
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