Tuesday, April 17, 2007 > My Humble Abode
Students usually post pictures of their new place when they come overseas to study. I might as well uphold the tradition as well as show off the place that caused us to go internet-less for 3 weeks.Presenting my 6th house, the typical old Australian kind, since arriving here in Adelaide. The tour begins from our hallway:
No lah God. I am just kidding. Of course You are the source of life. Keep that lighting bolt back in Your pocket, can? Thanks:)
And since Amanda didn't want me to take a picture of her room just yet, I shall post a picture of her and her visiting mum.
As always, with a parent or parents here in Adelaide, we will be blessed with an abundance of food. Many thanks to Aunty Mee Ching.
Better sleep now since we are going out for brunch. Dim Sum! Woohoo!
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