Tuesday, May 01, 2007 > 21st on the 20th.
In these 2 weeks of absence, I turned 21.
This significant event in my life obviously didn't affect my frequency of blogging. In my defence, I updated another blog. This blog. May not be mine, but nonetheless, a blog.
Anyway, many thanks to all who wished me. Many actually surprised me by wishing me at the right time, and some also surprising me by wishing me one week later. Oh well. Thanks a lot. It's always nice to have people remember, regardless of when.
I officially feel old (No offence to those who are several years my senior). It's not a nice feeling, I must say.. Everyone used to comment on how young I was, how jealous they were, blah blah. But now, I have people coming here that are as young as 17. That's my sister's age! 4 years younger than I am! It's really not fair. Now I find myself saying to them the exact same things everyone was saying to me when I first stepped foot into both YC and Adelaide.
It's really really not fair.
I guess these are the times when I look to you older friends for support, in a mean kinda way lah. Comparing my age with yours. At least you help me get on with life a little happier:)
A few pictures of the very much younger me. Well, whatever that I could find on my wall (Took a picture of these pictures. May be blur):
These are the NOW me. On the fateful 20th when it marked the day I officially became 21.
I really didn't take many pictures that night. I am not sure why. I think I was too hungry, was talking too much and also a little shy. Really wan. I was.
21 years. 21 years. 21 years. 21 years. 21 years. 21 years. Man.
God, has blessed me so. I really really want to do more than just live. When I write my 10,000th post on wingsun.blogspot.com on my 80th birthday, I do not want to write of regrets in my 80 years of life, but instead write of all the significant events, that happened because of Him in my life.
21 years or 80 years, I want to continue to remain in His hands.
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